157 | Spanish Collection

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English ★★(1937ca). Very complete collection between 1937 and 1975, again without affixes (mounted in albums), the complete series or important stamps are missing, but it includes block sheets of Toledo, "Army and Navy" and Lepanto (notched), Monuments (not notched), as well as all the average value series such as Autogiro, Año Santo, Milenario de Castilla, Personages, Franco (1949), Caudillo a Canarias Terrestre and "Legazpi y Sorolla" (used), complete from 1954 and with very good quality in general. TO EXAMINE. Building 2022: Edifil Euros

Auction lots and collections #95

Thursday, 12 May 2022 | 16:00

Lot 157

Starting price 350€